Entries by zayna khan

Japan – Sashimi

Sashimi is a Japanese cuisine dish. It is a very simple but popular dish, this is not the main course but loved by every Japanese people to enjoy it as wholemeal or the main course. Cooking is not even included in making this dish and served with the most famous MISO SOUP, or as a good bowl of rice. SASHIMI means pierced meat. Like Sashi means ”pierced” and mi means ”meat”.

Japan – Kakigori (Japanese Shaved Ice Dessert)

Kakigori is a dessert that is made up of Crushed and shaved ice with having flavors and sweet syrups. Japanese Shaved ice dessert is served with sweet syrups, some fruit chunks, condensed milk, evaporated milk. In summer, this dessert is sold every where in Japan like, dessert shops, tea café, tea stalls, ice cream stalls, etc. This dish is originated in Heian Period in which ice from the mountains bring and topped with flavors.

Japan – Kamameshi

Kamameshi is known as Kettle rice because it is a dish of rice cooked in the kettle. The iron pot or kettle is a kitchenware in which this rice dish is cooked with many other elements to be added on. In Japanese, the iron cooking pot is known as KAMA. So Kamameshi names come from the word KAMA. EKIBEN is a similar dish. This is the Lunch box served on the local train of Japan.

Japan – Satsuma-age

Satsuma-age is a Japanese fish cake that is actually a fish meat patty that is fried and served. However, the cooking procedure to make this dish is formation of surimi. Surimi is actually a paste formed of seafood meat and when mixed with white flour, then formed a solid patty. There are some stewed dishes from which surimi is dipped, including Oden and Udon.