Entries by Fauzan Anandika

Philippine – Bicol Express

Sinulog is a festival that was inspired by the water movement to create Cebu people traditional dance. Thousands of tourists come to the Philippines to enjoy this festival every 3rd week in January. While watching the parade, don’t forget to taste the Philippine dish in the food stall around the area. Bicol Expresses was one of the Filipinos favorite food that you can try while enjoying the parade.

Indonesia – Sate Lilit

Bali one of an island in Indonesia, an island with million attraction. Beautiful beach, unique tradition, and delicious food. As for culinary, Balinese people have their style of cooking. Tourists can see Balinese cooking style like in Sate Lilit that has become one of the most popular dishes on the island. Not only serve as a meal, but Sate Lilit also becomes a part of Hinduism religious ceremony. In the past, making Sate Lilit was a masculine symbol for every male in the village.

Philippine – Arroz Caldo

Philippine maybe the best place to shop in the world since there is the biggest mall in the world establish there. Philippine also has a delicious porridge that good to eat during a rainy season like this. Its name is Arroz Caldo. The Philippine people believe that eating Arroz Caldo will give a relaxing feeling, and they usually eat it for breakfast.