Entries by ananya fatima

Nepal – Gundruk Ko Achar

It is one of the best dishes of Nepal cuisine. It is the pickle of gundruk which is made with different types of leaves that make it easy. This pickle is famous all around the world but especially in NEPAL, TIBET, INDIA, BHUTAN and many more. Gundruk is actually a green leafy vegetable that is fermented. It is famous in Nepal especially.

Nepal – Laping

Laping is one of the spiciest noodles in Nepal. Basically, Laping noodles are related to Tibetan cuisine. If you think about the taste of the Laping then you should know that the laping noodles are itself tasteless. Laphing was introduced in Tibet in the beginning. In CHINA, it is called Cold Noodles, originated from the Northern region of China.

Singapore – Lauk Singgang Fish

Lauk singgang is an appetizing dish that is actually a liquid dish. We can compare it with soup, Like fish soup. The taste of ” Lauk singgang” is sweet and sour. This soup is very beneficial for human health especially in winters because it helps to protect you from cold and increase your immunity to fight against diseases. This “LAUK SINGGANG FISH” is one of the national cuisines of Singapore. There are many cuisine list of Singapore national dishes but this have another level of popularity.

Nepal – Thukpa

Thukpa is one of the best and famous soups of NEPAL. Thukpa is a soup which is made with different varieties of meat like you can use chicken, beef, mutton, or any other type which is your favorite. The meaning of thukpa word is “HEART” so everyone call this dish is a heart warming dish. It is actually started in the HIMALAYA region of NEPAL.

Nepal – Tongba

Tongbaa is actually a very famous energetic drink of Nepal. It is the millet based alcoholic beverages of Nepal. The most common pronunciations are ” Tong-baa ” and “Tum-baa”. This drink is especially linked to the limbo people and very important for them religiously and culturally. Tongbaa is the symbol of RESPECT for LIMBU PEOPLE and they offer it to every guest as the respect.