Tag Archive for: Indonesian Cuisine

Indonesia – Sate Lilit

Bali one of an island in Indonesia, an island with million attraction. Beautiful beach, unique tradition, and delicious food. As for culinary, Balinese people have their style of cooking. Tourists can see Balinese cooking style like in Sate Lilit that has become one of the most popular dishes on the island. Not only serve as a meal, but Sate Lilit also becomes a part of Hinduism religious ceremony. In the past, making Sate Lilit was a masculine symbol for every male in the village.

Indonesia – Aunu Senebre

West Papua is not only known for its beautiful sea but also its delicious food. One of them is Aunu Sanebre, a dish made from anchovy, grated coconut, and sliced taro leaves served with a side of papeda.

Indonesia – Ketupat

Ketupat is a very unique dish and looked so different due to its packing and serving. It is a dish of rice that is packed in palm leaves and made like a pouch. This dish is originated in INDONESIA. Some of the people thought that this dish is originated in BRUNEI, MALAYSIA, SINGAPORE, and THAILAND. There are also many variations around the world.

Indonesia – Pisang Gapit

Ever you imagine eating a grilled banana? Pisang Gapit is a grilled banana, a traditional snack from East Borneo. Gapit comes from Kutai tribe languages means clamped.

Indonesia – Nasi Krawu

Visiting East Java won’t be complete without taste their delicious culinary. Some food serves using banana leaves to add some unique aroma like you can find when eating Nasi Krawu. Nasi Krawu is Gresik city traditional dish.

Indonesia – Soto Betawi

Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital city, has many delicious culinary, especially soup or Soto in the local language. Soto Betawi is one of the popular foods in Jakarta. Betawi is the origin of Jakarta city today and, it has a strong bond with Chinese and Netherland culture that influence their tradition until now.

Singapore, Indonesia – Ayam Penyet

Ayam penyet is a fried chicken that is famous all around the world but especially in Singapore. The word Penyet means “SQUEEZED” so this dish is commonly called “SQUEEZED CHICKEN”. It is a Javanese term. The place of origin of Ayam penyet is Indonesia.

Indonesia – Tapa Kolo

Tapa Kolo comes from Tapa and Kolo word, Tapa means to burn, and Kolo means bamboo rice. Tapa Kolo is a traditional dish from the Manggarai regency, which was already known for a long time ago.

Indonesia – Beef Sei

Komodo dragon is an endemic animal in East Nusa Tenggara and chosen as a world heritage site by UNESCO. Corn and meat have become their main food staple since East Nusa Tenggara has a drying climate with a vast savanna. Beef Se’i is one of the popular dishes in this region.

Indonesia – Rabeg

The culinary tour has always become a must-do activity, especially when visiting a tourism place. When visiting the Banten province of Indonesia, don’t forget to taste the iconic dish called Rabeg.