Korean – Gomguk

In Korean cuisine, Guk and Tang is the category of soup and stew. This dish GOMGUK is included in the category of Guk. It is also known in simple English as, Beef Bone soup. GUK can be prepared of different types.

Korean – Jeon

Jeon is a kind of fritters used as a snack and in brunch. It is very common go-to food of Korean Cuisine. It is served as appetizer, anju or banchan. Banchan is named for the side dishes served with the main Korean meal. Anju is a Korean term used to call that snacks, served with alcohol. And Buchimgae is the Korean Pancake, used to cooked mainly with vegetables and smoked eggs.

Korea – Gopchang Gui (곱창구이)

Gui is known to be the GRILL ITEM. Gopchang-GUI (곱창구이) is the “grilled intestines” could be small intestine and large intestine. The word Gui is derived from the other word, gupda (굽다), which means “To grill”. Relevantly, the history of Korean cuisine starts from the Three kingdom period and ends with the Joseon period followed by the Modern era.

Korea – Beef Bulgogi

Bulgogi is a Korean grilled beef dish. It is marinated beef that is cooked by grilling and barbecue. The smoky flavored beef is very delicious and tasty. Bulgogi is a dish that originated from the Guguryo Era. Dongguksesi is a Korean history book in which the name BULGOGI was recorded. This dish is from the GUI part of Korean cuisine

North Korea – JeonBok-Juk

This unique dish is also known as Abalone rice white porridge. It is a variety of Juke. Juke is a mixture of porridge, grains, rice cooked with simple vegetables and meat. Rice porridge is a very popular breakfast in Korea. Varieties of juk are available worldwide

Korea, Japan – Bibimbap / Korean Mixed Rice Bowl

Bibimbap is a dish from Korean national cuisine. It is actually a rice dish which means Mixed Rice. In this dish, many different ingredients are added like stir-fried vegetables, cooked meat chunks, raw vegetable salad, noodles, spices and herbs, eggs, etc. BIBIMBAP was first time recorded in a book of JOSEON. There are different versions of Bibimbap.

North/ South Korea – Daechang-jeonya (대창저냐)

This dish is known to be as KOREAN FRITTERS. Fritters are something that is fried in shallow oil and are patty in shape, flattened, and crispy. Jeolla province is the Province of Southern Korea. In this Province, the cuisine has retained the ancient traditional cuisine and many dishes from the GORYEO REGION. There are many varieties of JEON.

Korean – Sundubu-jjigae

This is a Korean Soup that can be made up from Scratch. The spicy Korean Tofu soup is very popular in Korea. Sundubu-jjigae or Soondubu Jjigae are two names of the same dish, tofu stew. The main component besides seafood is TOFU. There are varieties of JJIAGE, stew dishes of Korean cuisine.

Korea – Korean Ginseng Chicken Soup/Samgye-tang

Samgye-tang is a soup dish that is also known as Ginseng chicken soup. The name of the dish of the same category depends upon the use of chicken. In Korean tradition, there are three popular days of the year to have this soup as the culture of Korean cuisine. Whenever it comes to Korean cuisine and traditions, the Great Joseon State, Joseon Dynasty has a big role. The culture of eating Samgye-tang on Bok Days is common even nowadays but it has a tradition that came up from that time.

Korean – Samgyetang

Samgyetang is also known by many other names, Ginseng Chicken Soup is one of the names of this dish. Korean Ginseng is a small plant, with Chicken served as whole chicken in the soup. This dish is no included in the soups category, but in the class of TANG/GUK. This is the custom of Korean Lunar calendar, during which this dish is served. This dish is known as the dish to maintain the stamina in summer.