Entries by Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy

Cameroon – Yambassa Cow Leg With Hot Pepper

Yambassa cow leg is a family festival that deals in the strengthening of the legs and the feet of the newly born baby in a hard world that demands stability and strength. It is very symbolic and unique to this local village as it is part and parcel of the customs and tradiions of the Yambassa locality. Yambassa locality is a village situated in between the centre region and the west region of Cameroon. It is 500 meter from the main road.

Cameroon – Kwikwi Red Soup With Waterfufu

Kwikwi red soup with waterfufu is a delicious meal cooked by the Mamfe inhabitants. The food is being cooked by inhabitants for its richness in mineral resources and also in starch especially the red oil. The local cuisine permitting us to travel is taking us to the Mamfe locality. A locality situated in the SouthWest region of Cameroon, made up of hills and valleys, giving the impression that Mamfe is found in a basin.

Cameroon – Red Pepper Food With Ripe Plantains

Red pepper food is a meal prepared after a particular event like the over drinking of alcohol. This practice generally takes place on Sundays at 2:00 PM after a meeting ceremony, better known as njangui. Red pepper food with ripe plantains is a meal from the local cuisine of the Northern part of Cameroon spreading to other regions, notably the Center region and the West region.